1st Technical Review
The first technical review meeting of the DIGICOR project was organised in the first week of July 2017. The review meeting provided the first opportunity for European Comission's reviewers to interact with the project partners and discuss the progress on the project.
The project partners presented the progress made in the first 9 months of the project, which resulted in the following main objectives being addressed:
Setup and execution of the project management
Analysis of the three use cases state of the art and requirements (As-Is analysis of supply chain collaboration practices, To-be analysis and gap identification)
Definition of the DIGICOR solution for platform architecture & tools
The reviewers noted that the project has started very well. A well-organized project management is in place and all planned activities have started according to the workplan.
The project objectives of the first phase could be considered achieved
10 deliverables were submitted and are accepted. One deliverable was not submitted in time, but the reason of the delay was explained not to be critical for the further progress of the project
The milestone MS1- starting phase completed - has been reached; the milestone MS2 – scope defined – is almost reached
The reviewers' commented that from the technological point of view the project is still innovative and challenging. Also, the shown use-cases have a high potential to be the base for a solution which can improve the cooperation between OEMs and SMEs. Based on these positives, the EC has allowed the project to continue as planned.
With the outcome of the 1st technical review, the first critical phase of the project is successfully completed. The DIGICOR team is now focused on technical developments planned in the project, while also taking into account the specific suggestions of EC from the 1st review.