
This are the publications produced so far by DIGICOR. All of the them are Open Access. This means that anyone can access the full scientific document in the author's version accepted by the publisher. A link to the official publications, with the publisher's official formatting, is also provided in some cases (DOI).


Bnouhanna, N. & Neugschwandtner, G. Cross-Factory Information Exchange for Cloud-Based Monitoring of Collaborative Manufacturing Networks. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). IEEE. September 2019. Open access. DOI


Kazantsev N., Mehandjiev N., Sampaio P., Stalker I. A Method for Facilitating the Design of Industry 4.0 Collaborations and its Application in the Aerospace Sector, Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, 26 and 27 September 2019: Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository. Open access


Bernhard Wally , Jiří Vyskočil , Petr Novák , Christian Huemer , Radek Šindelář , Petr Kadera , Alexandra Mazak , and Manuel Wimmer. “Flexible Production Systems: Automated Generation of Operations Plans Based on ISA-95 and PDDL”. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. no. 4. IEEE. 2019. Open access. DOI


Petr Novák, Jiří Vyskočil, Petr Kadera. “Plan Executor MES: Manufacturing Execution System Combined with a Planner for Industry 4.0 Production Systems”. Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems. Springer: 67-80. August 2019. Open access. DOI.


Václav Jirkovský, Petr Kadera. “Data Exchange Ontology for Interoperability Facilitation Within Industrial Automation Domain”. Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems. Springer: 67-80. August 2019. Open access. DOI


Grigory Pishchulov, Sonia Cisneros Cabrera, Pedro Sampaio, Zixu Liu, Sophia Kununka and Nikolay Mehandjiev. Facilitating demand-driven supplier collaborations using a tender decomposition and matchmaking service. 2nd International Conference on Business Management in the Digital Economy. Saint Petersburg State University: 346 – 347. Jul 2019. Open access


G. Pishchulov, A. Trautrims, T. Chesney, S. Gold, L. Schwab. “The Voting Analytic Hierarchy Process revisited: A revised method with application to sustainable supplier selection”. International Journal of Production Economics. 211. Elsevier. 2019. Open access. DOI


Cisneros Cabrera, S., Sampaio, P., & Mehandjiev, N. (2018). A B2B Team Formation Microservice for Collaborative Manufacturing in Industry 4.0. 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). IEEE Computer Society: 37–38. October 2018. Open access. DOI


Kazantsev, N., Sampaio, P., Pishchulov, G., Cisneros Cabrera, S., Liu, Z., & Mehandjiev, N. (2018). A Governance Metamodel for Industry 4.0 Service Collaborations. 2018 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). IEEE Computer Society: 47–48. October 2018. Open access. DOI


Kazantsev, N., Pishchulov, G., Mehandjiev, N., Sampaio, P., & Zolkiewski, J. (2018). Barriers to supplier collaboration in Industry 4.0: a study of the aerospace sector (in Russian: Проблемы кооперации между поставщиками в индустрии 4.0: анализ авиационной промышленности). First International Conference on Business Management in the Digital Economy: Conference proceedings. Saint Petersburg State University: 181–187. October 2018. Open access.


Byrne, K. & Marín, C.A. (2018). Human Trust in Robots When Performing a Service. 27th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2018). Paris, France. Jun 2018, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society. Open access. DOI


Arnd Schirrmann. DIGICOR - Digitale Kollaborationsplattform für Zulieferer in der Luftfahrtindustrie. 18. Rostocker Logistik Forum -Innovationen in der Logistik, Vojdani, N. (Hrsg.), Proceedings 2018, 27. - 28. Juni 2018, Rostock Rostock: Hahn Media + Druck, 2018. Open access


Kazantsev, N., Pishchulov, G., Mehandjiev, N., & Sampaio, P. (2018). Exploring Barriers in Current Inter-enterprise Collaborations: A Survey and Thematic Analysis. In: B. Shishkov (Ed.) Business Modeling and Software Design: 8th International Symposium, BMSD 2018, Vienna, Austria, July 2-4, 2018, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, pp. 319–327. Open access. DOI.


Kazantsev, N., Bogomolova, I., Radyukin, A., & Sukhanova, E. (2018). Demand-driven Collaboration in the Aerospace Industry 4.0: Application of Subject-oriented Process Management. In: Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. Open access


Kazantsev, N., Pishchulov, G., Mehandjiev, N., & Sampaio, P. (2018). Formation of Demand-Driven Collaborations between Suppliers in Industry 4.0 Production Networks. In: R. W. Grubbström, H. H. Hinterhuber, J. Lundquist (Eds.) 20th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 19-23, 2018. PrePrints, Vol. 3, pp. 255–266. Open access


Bilinkis, Y., & Kazantsev, N. (2017). Introducing Semantic Services for Continuous Agile Enterprise and Process Modeling. In: BPMN 2017 Industrial Track Proceedings. Open access


Ramzan, A., Cisneros-Cabrera, S., Sampaio, P., & Mehandjiev, N. (2017). Dynamic Modelling of Production Supply Chains of SMEs with Large OEMs in DIGICOR. In: Connected Everything Conference Poster Network Plus. Open access. DOI


Ramzan, A., Cisneros-Cabrera, S., Kazantsev, N., Sampaio, P., & Mehandjiev, N. (2017). Collaborative Technologies in Automotive and Aerospace Industries towards Industry 4.0. In: American Conference on Information Systems 2017 Workshop on Smart Manufacturing Proceedings, 10. Open access. DOI


Ramzan, A., Cisneros-Cabrera, S., Sampaio, P., & Mehandjiev, N. (2017). Dynamic Modelling of Production Supply Chains of Small and Medium Enterprises with Large Original Equipment Manufacturers in DIGICOR. In: American Conference on Information Systems 2017 Workshop on Smart Manufacturing Proceedings, 8. Open access. DOI


Cisneros-Cabrera, S., Ramzan, A., Sampaio, P., & Mehandjiev, N. (2017). Digital Marketplaces for Industry 4.0: A Survey and Gap Analysis. In: Collaboration in a Data-Rich World: 18th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2017, Vicenza, Italy, September 18-20, 2017, Proceedings. Springer, Cham, pp. 18–27. Open access. DOI