DIGICOR project partners participated in the ICE conference to exchange knowledge and know-how with wider ICT community and also to raise awareness of the project. The conference also provided an opportunity for project partners to discuss the current state of the project and plan for the upcoming review meeting in July 2017. During the plenary meeting, the project partners analysed the deliverables due at month 9 of the project. The state of all but one deliverable was deeme

A DIGICOR workshop was organized in Hamburg with 20 invited SMEs suppliers. The workshop served as a dissemination as well as community development event. The workshop introduced DIGICOR project to the participants, the project presentation was followed by an open discussion session where the participants highlighted their needs and expectations from the DIGICOR platform. The workshop served as a launch event for DIGICOR project in the Airbus supplier community based around H

The DIGICOR project was introduced to the industrial community in Wales in a high-profile event. The event was attended by the representatives of the Welsh government and the SME associations based in Wales. The launch of DIGICOR project in the presence of government officials and industrial community helped promote the project in the relevant circles. The event was useful in registering initial user interest in the planned platform and also setting up communication channels